Yagilu Partnership with Pack for Camp
Dear Yagilu Family,
We are excited to announce a new service we are promoting in 2018 to help you easily purchase the items on your Yagilu packing list.
Pack for Camp by Murray the Sockman is a family-run online store that offers everything you need for summer camp under one roof. They sell all the items you expect to find on a camp packing list: soft trunks, bedding, laundry accessories, toiletries, storage solutions and more.
Among the other great features of the website is a smart packing list option whereby you can purchase the entire camp list in one click. Alternatively you can browse the various products and choose them at your leisure.
Pack for Camp is also hosting our all new Yagilu Camp Logowear Store, where you’ll find clothing, accessories and more with your all favorite Pioneers Camp logos.
Pack for Camp offers high quality goods and competitive fair prices, while giving camp families a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience. They offer free shipping in the US on orders over $150.
Visit www.packforcamp.com/yagilu and fill your packing list today!