Join us in this latest installment of the "Packing for Camp" Video Series as Melissa Goldwag from Pack for Camp and Rebekah Saltzman from Balagan Be Gone discuss the different methods available to label your stuff for camp. 

To check out the products discussed in the video, visit our label collection


Hi I'm Melissa at Pack for Camp. Hi I'm Rebekah from Balagan be Gone and today we're going to talk about labeling your stuff for camp. Well, the first thing I wanted to show you were these stick-on labels. These were not available when I went to camp and today they're actually really great. You just peel off these stickers and they come in different sizes and shapes - this one I'm using is a rectangle - but there's also round and you need to stick that right onto a label.

So that's important and that's why I said that here because if your item does not have a label we'll have to talk about other options in just a moment. So you can't put it on the towel right? Unless you have a label on that you can not use that for the towel but what you can use it for is for the toiletries you've got over there. So you can just see how easy that is to just peel - even your kids can do this for you, or for themselves I should say. Oh that's awesome.

Or you could use the marker, right? Yes, the marker is actually a great solution for those things that don't work with the stickers or the other items that were going to see. You just write your name on and they come in different colors. So black for lighter items and they come in white, silver, gold a to write on your darker items.

Let's move on to the stuff that doesn't have a label. So what are we going to do? So this is a self inking stamp and all you have to do is stamp it like that and you're good to go. There you go, your name, your phone number or whatever you choose to put on those labels. Does this stuff wash off? No, it's totally indelible, so be careful with that.

The last option I wanted to show you is something you, parents, might remember from your days going to camp and that's these labels that are either iron-on or sow-on, depending. These will stay on pretty much forever. So the stickers, they do stay on through a lot of washings but if you want to make sure these things never come off, just sow them on if you have the time and inclination.

I'll just show you here a demonstration. You take your item that does not have a tag you put down the label and just iron it on. That's awesome. And then it stays right? and then it stays through the washing and everything.

That's great, awesome. So to buy any of these products or to get more information, just click on the links below and... happy packing.